
Culture Print

International youth discover the Xinjiang surprise

2024/05/08 14:30 Origin:China Daily

Beijing Foreign Studies University students and faculty explore Xinjiang's diverse culture, modernization, and warm hospitality, sparking newfound appreciation and understanding.

Between April 26 to 30, a group of students and faculty from Beijing Foreign Studies University embarked on a cultural journey to the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region in Northwest China.

The group consisted of 12 international students from various countries such as Russia, Nigeria, Thailand, and Poland, accompanied by eight Chinese teachers representing diverse ethnic backgrounds, including Han, Manchu, Mongolian, and Xibe.

During the five-day trip, the group explored museums and ecological centers showcasing Xinjiang's rich history and natural beauty, attended exhibitions to learn about the region's recent development projects and future urban plans, and interacted with local young people at Xinjiang University in Urumqi, the capital of Xinjiang.

"This trip aims to help international students understand both traditional Chinese culture and gain insights into contemporary China," said Yao Jinju, co-organizer and deputy division director of the personnel division at BFSU.

Vlasovskiy Artem, a 28-year-old from Russia, had previously visited Xinjiang in 2019. During his university years, he made friends with several Xinjiang students who were part of exchange programs at his school. They talked about languages, culture, and culinary traditions from their respective homelands.

It was these friends who took him to Xinjiang for the first time. "That journey left me with countless beautiful memories," Artem recalled.

While his first trip focused on appreciating the landscapes, cuisine, and culture of the region alongside his friends, returning for this visit, Artem was amazed by the rapid changes and progress taking place here.

He was particularly impressed by the Urumqi cultural center, which featured six major venues surrounding a central tower, resembling the petals of a blooming snow lotus, a unique flower native to Xinjiang.

Inside these venues, exhibitions were presented digitally, providing visitors with an immersive experience.

"During this visit, I noticed more skyscrapers and digitized museums in Xinjiang, indicating its modernization and technological advancement," Artem said.

Uzodinma Chinenye Gerlof, from Nigeria, shared a similar experience with Artem. He came to China in 2018 to study in East China's Shandong province and later pursued a doctoral program at BFSU, where he developed friendships with several Xinjiang natives.

"We often play soccer together, and they would frequently invite me to dine at Xinjiang restaurants," he said. "In Beijing, I eat Xinjiang-style big plate chicken three to four times a week."

This journey marked Gerlof's first actual visit to the region. Before his trip, the 28-year-old had only seen traditional Xinjiang buildings in Beijing and assumed the entire region followed that architectural style. However, upon arrival, he was surprised by the sight of towering skyscrapers.

"I kept asking our tour guide, 'Are we really in Xinjiang?' because I felt like it was no different from Beijing or Tianjin," he said.

Exploring the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Museum provided Gerlof with a deeper insight into the region's rich historical background and the harmonious coexistence of its ethnic groups and cultures.

"I knew Xinjiang had a diverse ethnic population, but I had underestimated the extent of this diversity," he said. "Initially, I thought there were several ethnic groups, but I was surprised to learn that there are actually 56 ethnic groups living here!"

For Anantachote Natthanya, a 35-year-old Chinese language teacher from Thailand pursuing a doctoral degree at BFSU, this was also her first visit to Xinjiang. Throughout the trip, she immersed herself in the region's rich scenery and cultural attractions.

"Every day, I posted my experiences on Instagram, eager to keep my family and friends in Thailand updated," she said.

Natthanya discovered that despite their notable differences, Xinjiang and Thailand share a major commonality in their multiculturalism, both being globally renowned as hubs for cultural tourism.

According to her, for many Thai people, Xinjiang isn't typically a top destination when considering travel to China. "After returning, I want to recommend to my family and friends that when they come to China, they should visit Xinjiang first. Here, they can experience completely different landscapes and cultures compared to cities like Beijing and Shanghai."

In addition to exploring the history, culture, cuisine, and modernization of Xinjiang, the group also engaged in interactions with the locals.

At the Xinjiang International Grand Bazaar, for example, local dancers enthusiastically welcomed the international visitors into the festivities. "This is my second visit to Xinjiang, and I've noticed significant changes, yet the enduring warmth of the locals remains," said Artem.

Since he first arrived in China in 2015, Artem has observed that many Chinese people tend to be reserved and shy, but he found a stark contrast in Xinjiang. "Everyone here made direct eye contact with me, displaying confidence in their culture and a genuine eagerness to share that energy with me," he said.

In his interactions with local university students, Artem was impressed by their optimism and their belief in Xinjiang's future development.

"Although Xinjiang may not be as developed as some eastern Chinese cities, these young people firmly believe in the region's potential for progress through their efforts," he said. "Their enthusiasm has inspired me to contribute to the development of my own hometown."

Gerlof connected deeply with the local youth's dedication to preserving and passing on their traditional culture, reflecting the cultural pride he also witnessed among young Nigerians.

"We both embrace our cultures with confidence and are keen to showcase them to the world," he said.

"For many international friends, their perception of Xinjiang is fragmented and incomplete," said Zhai Zheng, co-organizer of the tour and associate professor at BFSU. "However, this trip offers students an opportunity to view Xinjiang's landscapes firsthand, savor its cuisine, and immerse themselves in the rich culture woven by its diverse ethnic groups, providing a comprehensive and panoramic understanding of this region."

Responsible Editor:Gao Qiying

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